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Jan 2013
I fell,
into my dream.
The world around me was so small,
and I was big.

I was ******,
into a black hole.
So I swam in the lava,
it was cold.

Do I really need to be with you?
Am I just setting myself up?
Do I have a clue?

into a cosmic aftermath.
I laughed at the priest in the clown suit,
face painted, awfully rude.

I ask,
is there one true god?
The man in the mask answered simply,
why stop with one?

I need to know the true truth from you.
I need to know how much to love you.
What is the purpose of actions with no purpose?
They just end up ******* us all.
As we await,
my fall.

out of space.

Out of my dream,
out of my head.
I slowly fall,
back into my bed.

The dream was just a dream.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
Barry Andrew Pietrantonio
Written by
Barry Andrew Pietrantonio  29/M/Salem, New Hampshire
(29/M/Salem, New Hampshire)   
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