the book the brick that isn't the library that isn't the building that, somehow becomes a... sponge: implosion of of a building, a library, a brick, a book: ergo spongia;
hardly a compensation for what is the adequate exfoliation of a man's memory bank...
in what is... the institutionalized, purposive: attack on the free man's faculty of memory...
scholastic rubrics of spelling, algebra...
hell... if an institution is to errode the man, and come the: automaton...
sure... defecate upon the altar of memory... no wonder the anglo-saxon sought escape in dreams, armed with a sword that became... the Freudian sword (*****) and the Freudian flower (******)...
no! the anglo-saxons showed what becomes of erroding the faculty of memory of man...
me? i'm tired of heaping more sand on the already apparent sand dune: which, if i ****** on it... could become a pyramid!
no... modern education is an acid thrown upon man to: function without memory... since... the modern life is... bombarded by an over-expression of an imagination that doesn't materialize... modern imagination doesn't materialize into a technological output of: *** malleus venio clavus...
láter "contra" spongia: qualis liber? i.e. in the metaphorical array of casual phrasings of English teachers...
****! i can't reingage with the internet narrative!