aesthetic is etiquette is: what is & isn't either: yet is both: in that they are the same: disparaging meanings...
nouns: the source of ultimate meaning, crux words... and the source of the thesaurus...
i wasn't looking for a mathematical conflation of grammar either...
aesthetic ≠ etiquette...
it does! to keep up with the formality of norm, of power,
then (the) aesthetic = (the) etiquette, but there is no "the" to begin with... yet...
if the aesthetic ≠ the etiquette... why, either?! dumb questions usually prescribe a continued willing to perpetuate: unquestioned... hence the dumb questions... my dumb question lacks any elaborate ploy to topple the status quo for the sole reason that... my alternative matches no genius of the originator basis...
wordings are not simply chanced to be worth debating a miscarriage of implementing the averted coin-flip...
(funny, how the articles prop up, miraculously)...
etiquette? a macabre variety of aesthetic...
nothing more... but... etiquette is still subordinate of aesthetic... isn't it?
hardly: etiquette is still subordinate off aesthetic... is it?!
a month spent in a monastery of a novel... cradle these words unto a course of nullification...
if i'd utter them in a clutter of sparrows: i'd be a equivalent to a mute stone... if i'd utter them in a lion's harem: i'd be a cat's meow (if not less)... if i'd utter them in the crow's shamanism of all shadows... i'd still be less the croaking hark of a voice that might dictate: obey...
so... so... ah...
was kommen: was ist... und alles was: ich, ich sterben... ich war geboren? ich war nie sein: geboren.... ich war sein: sterben!