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Cliff Perkins
Jan 2019
Jacob's Ladder
There is a boy inside of me
A most mischievous child
Who hurts his love, but most himself
He keeps the romance wild
He dwells in a land of absolutes
“She loves me loves me not”
All or nothing, life or death
A terrible game for a tot
His highs so high, his lows so low
Ecstasy and despair
Yet he’d not trade those two extremes
Less feeling for less fear
Because less fear would also mean
Less feeling of the highs
He hates but holds the horrors
That his heart might hold your sighs
He’s unsophisticated
Unsure ***** unwashed
His love’s too simply stated
But he loves unabashed
This bearded one who watches him
Knows compromise is real
Yet in his heart he wishes he
Could feel that trembling still
And so they go hand in hand
A most unlikely pair
Their three legged race a funny farce
Still makes you shed a tear
How can this work? How can it last?
These two extremes in one
Can child be father to the man
Man child to the son?
Keep the passions of the youth
To melt with fiery fusion?
Keep too the crone’s wisdom, truth
To know hell’s an illusion?
Who shall win this battle?
Which one shall remain?
A young child’s fire, an old man’s peace?
Must there be loss to gain?
Perhaps there is an answer
That does not end in pain
That marries well the best of both
Convergence of the twain
All this struggle that you see
That is so hard and painful
Is these two Jacobs becoming free
By wrestling each his angel
Written by
Cliff Perkins
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