I depart from the comfort,
Of my home-
From my crow's nest of ever watch,
Into the world seen this far,
Through a spyglass.
Concave reflections,
Of valleys and shores-
Part and whole,
Large and small,
From winter to fall.
So it was that I reached,
Two marble pillars-
The stone, smooth,
To the touch, cool
Through them, the way through.
So it was that I found,
The Bloom-
A doorway in the centre,
Its walls, soft,
Gliding my hands on them, I entered.
To a river of tranquility,
Beckoning me-
Towards the sea,
In which I bathed,
Stripped and laid my soul, bare.
And through the sea,
I was led-
Elsewhere, to a prairie,
Of cotton, warm and bright,
My skin bathed in glorious light.
By the light of two suns,
Far away-
Over the hills ahead,
My next perceivable destination,
A beautiful scene, a godly creation.
A due respite,
In the shadow,
In the valley between the hills,
To a warmth giving me chills.
I traversed further,
At a well, its shape; a rose.
And though the well's mouth was pursed,
It drew softly apart at my touch,
Quenching the last of my thirst.
And thus I stared above,
Gazing at the suns,
Lighting my way,
Beckoning me, giving me aim.
I arrive at the comfort,
Of my new home-
Away from my crow's nest of ever watch,
Into the world I had seen this far,
Only through a spyglass.
For U.R.
Never doubt.