I may never know the reasons of the storm that passed my way. Or the multitude of questions that lay at bay. They await to pounce upon me like jungle cats at night, while the din of distant drumming tests my might.
Ever now and then I get a glimpse of who I am, and I feel myself evolving into man. Amid the single bars and credit cards and reaching for the ring, I close my eyes and realize I'm here to do one thing........ I'm here to sing.
I'm strung out on evaluation of what my life is worth, and struggle with the narrow distance between death and birth. They say love is never wasted, words so easily said, so why is this empty feeling, still laying in my bed?
Hurry Darwin, hurry. I need a double dose of time. To quickly re-arrange these chromosomes , to make me more the prime. Selectors and Breeders are really all we are. Evolvers; Some will still be cheaters, and some will still set the bar.