But **** me right? **** the fact that I shake so badly, scream so loudly, rocking myself back and forth so quickly Crying so much that hopefully someone can understand that its not me its the pain. I've said it once and ill say it again to be beaten would be better than sitting here and dealing with the mental pain. Hit me punch me kick me break me Break my broken pieces and take them and shatter those too Break me in a way that people would fear Come on end me. Break me down till those pieces turn into dust. Let me free in the wind. It would be better than this Break me right now break me down into a pit of nothingness Break me like you broke all your promises "I'll never do it again" "I promise" Break me down cut me open Show the world and let them know Let them know that I've been broken A poem needs to rhyme, that's the rules Where were the rules then ? When i was being broken where were they? It seems like there weren't any There were no rules when it came to him breaking me He had permission. There was no evidence My bruised skin wasn't enough My busted lip and broken ribs weren't enough I used to look out widows and watch the birds fly from tree to tree I wanted to be free like the birds To not have too worry about being broken or bruised To fly above the clouds But I was soon brought back to earth and I didn't know why I didn't know why then but I do no. I know now that i would win the fight and that my dust would mold into something so beautiful a creation so admirable I fought and my broken pieces slowly magnetically pull it's selves back together again. I soon became the birds that I admired so much Free I am free
I apologize for the profanity. If its not allowed I will remove. But my story will be told.