I've realized that I have no control of my life Instead I'm being stabbed and drained by depression with the knifeΒ Β permanently set into my chest My body always seems to find its way back to my bed in a pool of blood only imagined in my head You tell me go out and have fun but I cant have fun when if I don't want to have fun it just turns out not being fun I come back worse and you wonder why I try to explain It's like depression has control of my life pumping air into my lungs but it holds the pump clutched Keeping me from taking another breath. Suffocating me "Oh your over exaggerating" No! I'm trying to let you in on a piece of me that depression hasn't consumed Then BOOM Depression grabs me by the hair pulling me in closing me off from the conversation and I'm back to bed where my body seems to be nothing more than a corpse used for puppetry My depression is killing me "Don't claim it" I am not claiming it Its claimed me I need you to open your eyes I need you to hear me I need you to see for me Because depression has taken over all of my senses And ill be stuck here till the next word or sentence