It's sad really I made a person in my head to sooth me She doesn't clutch me in a tight embrace Doesn't yell Doesn't tell me that I'm perfect Doesn't say tomorrow will be better She just sits with me Lets my fallen head rest on her shoulder She lets me cry And she does not hold me Instead she softly rubs circles into my arm She shushes me But it's not harsh or demanding It makes me feel safe
"I know sweetheart, I know"
I've only ever wanted someone to truly know And she does Because she's me But I pretend she isn't
"You've been fighting so hard, sweetheart, harder than anyone thought you could. He'd be proud of you."
I can feel her hand now. Tears are welling in my eyes and typing this is blurry She isn't real She doesn't have a name Her face shifts so often I don't even know what it looks like But it's alright I don't really have a name either
I wish I didn't have a face
It's sad I'm sad I've made someone to sooth me She isn't real But at least she doesn't tell me I'm perfect
For the love of god please stop calling me perfect