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Jan 2019
What hurts the most?
Not being hurt by a person you barely know,
Or a person you know has it in them to hurt you.
No, that’s not what hurts the most.
What hurts the most?
Being hurt by someone who is the last person you would expect it from.
Your best friend.
One minute you two are inseparable for what seems like an eternity.
Then things change suddenly but also really slowly, barely noticing all the little things.
Until they pile up.
My best friend has been weird lately, only to me.
Barely acknowledges my presence.
Is rude.
Would prefer to be and talk with other people that aren’t me.
Am I not cool enough for her?
Is she desperate for others to like her?
I don’t know.
I’ll I care about knowing is what happened to my best friend.
Because as a person who has been hurt a lot, I’ve never been broken like this.
As a person who has made the poor decision to rely on her best friends for happiness.
I’m crushed.
So what happened to my best friend?
Written by
Anna Sophia  F
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