In a world full of people I feel so alone I am so withdrawn From reality, i don't Know what's real anymore It's like I'm in the middle Of a crowd And I'm drowning But no none notices as I'm battling and struggling To breathe Gasping and flapping Shouting for help But only a squeak comes Out My screams get trapped Within my throat I'm tightly strapped Not with ropes But thoughts My mind clouded I can't remain afloat. I heard them say i should Talk. That it'll help repair what Broke But I'm not broke no more I'm passed broken Like fragments of glass I'm shattered beyond repair I'm a ghost with no reckon My purpose i fail to fathom My life just turned to a phantom Tired and exhausted Weary and forsaken I can't count how many times I've contemplated to die I hate hope It's the most elusive of all Always encouraging Only to break me more I have no seen wounds But I'm always sore I didn't ask to grow I didn't apply to be born I didn't choose to be a bore Why then do i always feel so low So alone I misspelled the word enthusiasm Now I'm no longer enthusiastic To enthuse But I'm always eager To know what tomorrow would hold That's what keeps me strong Maybe not for long....