I played games when we never knew each other The me who I thought I was, would now stutter I didn't know what it felt like to fall for someone I always thought that they'd hear my story and run
But then you didn't at first. You held my hand You took me to a happy never never land You said my I'm okay could become truthful But that opinion soon became neutral.
Where the games were once fun for you It soon became too much for you too You never thought you'd have to save a life You backed away to save yourself the strife.
I've been found out on all the games I've played Each one was just another brick I've laid To build my walls higher for my own safety I tried to lock them away but you found the key
Was I meant to understand the repercussions That each turn would lead to these discussions That with every act i once did would undoubtedly Lead to the moment where we're no longer a we
The past shouldn't dictate our future of possibilities.