I don't remember the day the day that I realized you were abusing me I kept ignoring the fact that mental abuse was just as detrimental as physical No, you weren't creating bruises, bleeding, or breaks But I promise you there was damage I second guess everyone now I overthink someone else love for me, because I think its pretend, just like yours Everything was my fault, even when it was very clearly yours But I begged for you to forgive me for being broken by your mistakes, because I hated when our home was being torn down I told myself that relationships take work That if I tried harder to make you happy, then you wouldn't hurt me anymore I think the thing that got me the most was how good of a liar you became How easy it was for you to look me right in the eye and tell me a complete lie, and have zero remorse and never feel the stabbing guilt I would've felt. How do you do that? How do you feel okay looking at me? And you know I know you're lying, but I want the lie to be true so badly that I'll ignore everything and pretend we're okay Because unlike you, I did love you I wanted to trust you and I wanted us to work, but I didn't have enough love in my heart for the both of us. I thought I did, but we both know that's not how it works You can't force someone to be in love with you like I wished you were