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Jan 2013
It was a snowy November evening
You looked the same as you did in high school
Funny how I saw you everyday back then
but we seemed to have lost touch
after graduation
For a few weeks we kept bumping into each other
I begin to think now it wasn't as random as it seemed
The biggest regret I have is never catching up, always breaking plans
Because apparently my life was just too busy to fit you in
I wish I could go back to that snowy November evening, driving
you in my car to get something you had forgotten
or maybe even go back to the afternoons on the
big yellow bus in junior high
You would always sit in the back and yell out obscenities
In so many small ways you taught me to get out of the
shell I was put in as a young girl
I have never realized that til now
but now I can not help but wonder how I am
still here but you are not
Every time I drive in a snow storm at night
I think of you
and I remember the conversations we had
I miss you so bad
Ruby Lynn
Written by
Ruby Lynn  Maine
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