I remember looking at a bewildering little flower. Just off the sidewalk it gently danced in the breeze. I stood totally engrossed in this strange little being. God wanted me to see this, to bask in its bewitching allure. I watched it for a few more minutes in serenity. As I readied to leave, I look to make sure no one could see. I kicked the flower from its home, I watched as it danced one last melancholic tune. Fluttering to the earth it truly looked as if it were dying. It landed with a plump sort of umph. I felt a tear trickled out and make its way down. I stared at the corpse of the dancing plant. The words that came out of my mouth were selfish. "You touched my soul, If I let you touch another I'd die. I ended you so those moments would be fleeting and mean so much more. " After I said her eulogy I walked away, Tears were shed but I never looked back.