a blast of whiskey the summon of the king to appear a real encounter with Elvis & Zepplin, from the early 70's sparks a calm to remedy three at the bar forced to civality.., under thick chains received band was on the run kissing cousins all so much fun these are the years sparked by tears, throuw a quater in the fountain some rich peeople choose to through the ashes in a fountain base they are rich you see falling...calling out the remedy, sit back ******* with a higher degree your name is encrusted as distant timber under the leaves Terror awaits the slogan a notion to rock & roll splishing and splashing with no place to go, bust up the beat to promote its tempo
Music across the pond, a hint to vainly belong having trouble to the new walk swing then it rolls its nature from with again I can dig the premonition from the falling rain, Stairway To Heaven not a one stop shopping event to a routine store stop seven eleven paint a picture from beyond, leaves None other then Motorhead, "Ace Of Space" ! brother pray for me brother connect to the falling leaves transport a super couper honest Alice Vinny Cooper cast a Flamingo traverse to haunt the cold chilled places to go through a river to impress a polished kit cement
Such an encounter in 1969 Jimmy Hendrix and his Experience in the bushes forced on *** sorry that we met not a noble jib to eternailze, playing Star Spangle Banner In the heavens beyond the moon has landed...
Mercedes Benz a good look always depends the horse before the cart found a tisk & tasket Safe behind a squeeky wheel Expression Innovatiion In conjunction to fly with words crossing by