The check from the oil company came, Six zeroes before the decimal. "Some mistake," he wrote, And sent it back.
"No mistake," the return said, "Check is correct, And more to come."
So what to do? "Mother, get the kids. We'll go to town."
Check deposited safely into savings, The teller's awestruck service a memory, The old truck headed to the Bean & Feed.
New rubber boots for everyone! Lunch at McDonalds and home again, A low-key celebration of a million dollar day.
A week or two later, Father and son drove to a neighbor's auction Looking for a grain drill, Not the new-fangled air style, But a gang of *** drills yoked together, Heavy and cumbersome to move, But cheap to operate...easier to fix.
When the bid hit $13,000.00, Dad faltered...shook his head... Let the prized drills go.
"Dad! We won't find a set that cheap! It's not as though we can't afford it!"