For many years, seven years to be exact, I been waiting for you. Actually, I had you confused with another, because I was still not over my heartache. Yeah, this seems strange, right? But really, I'm a fool for you, because when I saw the attraction I could not know if it was real. Yes! My fear of pushing you away was very evident. But, you know what? Here is the point, I believed in you, and that was all that mattered.
I'm a fool for you, because my sanity was lost in my soul. Wow...I was finally freed from that seven-year nightmare that has been holding on for so long. Yes! This is why I'm a fool for you!
Sometimes we do not understand how love works until the person or issue is taken from you. I have lived years under the infatuation of a person who I knew was never going to be in my life. I was finally set free from that nightmare. Love works in mysterious ways!