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Jan 2013
A call I thought I'd never receive
You actually wanting me
I prayed so hard to be with you
Now all my  prayers  have come true
The slightest touch made you jump
Your face turned red your heart a thump
You looked at me and smiled so kind
To another world went my mind
Your bare skin so soft to touch
A hold of you I did clutch
I kissed your arms, back, chest and legs
Your moans and squirms were types of begs
Our bodies entwined felt so good
We were doing just what we should
As things intensified you started to grab
The sheets
And anything that you could nab
Your body tightened in every way
With ever tickle and touch your body would sway
The music playing was so soft and sweet
My hands danced across your body every beat
As you got weaker your noises got stronger
You resisting your twitches were no longer
A tickle, tickle and a tickle more
You were not ready for the surprise in store
You were shocked and so was I
You cried out and you were not shy
When you moaned out I moaned too
And I knew that was my que
The song that was playing was a favorite of mine
That's when I knew that it was time
You were patient and held on tight
A fickle on point and even a bite
Toes were curled and were cold
In that  moment our souls did mold
Your eyes rolled back with a sense of  delight
You tried and tried but couldn't fight
A gasp, gasp, gasp for air
I held you close so you knew I did care
I held you close as close could get
I did not want this perfect night to quit
The man who held me tight with all his might
Made me free as a bird on that night
Jessica Leigh Lewis
Written by
Jessica Leigh Lewis  North Carolina
(North Carolina)   
   Victoria Jennings
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