Two strangers lost in darkness A shadow soars above Another crouches below Eyes meet, untrustworthy Of the other looking on
A silent promise is made Fluttering between gazes that glisten Under a hazy moon The raven perches, in wait The wolf bounds away
She searches for what is lost To bring to him But soon loses herself in the thicket The night is a deceiving mistress For all that is unique Becomes the same
A howl rises up to the heavens To no response, the wolf weeps The raven stretches his sore wings Eyes darting over the towering shadows He thinks himself a fool To fall for such a simple trick Now he settles once more, in silence A leaf flutters to the ground
Warmth was stirring in in her cold heart Determined still, her paws scrape the earth The voice of the wolf rises over the land Throat hoarse, time was escaping Alas, until the raven is found She refuses to rest
The shape of a wolf appears Through the gnarled branches For the raven's trust has run dry He could only stare Her ragged breath, matted silver fur She had returned, a promise fulfilled The raven nods, the wolf lays beneath
This bond now unbreakable Of once strangers turned friends The wolf carries the raven As his wings grow tired The raven guides the wolf As her paws ache Night fades to day, a repeated cycle Their bond remains solid as the earth itself
Two strangers lost in darkness Have found light
To Andrew, my best friend who has guided me through so much. You are the raven, I fulfilled my promise to you. Now nothing stands in our way.