there is never an afterthought looking at society as a whole but, in times of discontent; we look disdain in the eyes as it dulls humanities open-mindedness, aghast
yet, we find clemency to overlook abominate behavior in our fellow humans fore... the storm will pass in the face of sullen words that may darken our path; it behooves ethically to consider their trials and tribulations in life as they unmask; revealing their torment to mind and soul, giving thought to their utterances and actions seeking forgiveness, falling to their knees in repentance
dare we ask of their dilemma or do they shutter in the wake of humanities wrath; shall we re-consider, silently ingesting; fact or fiction in a society of closed minds, refusing to shed their armor, their protection from the few in the masses with no afterthought, no understanding as a mind clashes with thoughts of self-destruction; finding no justification
thinking God has abandoned them to face irrational minds and behavior; not realizing He's right by their side walking in their shoes; carrying them through their burdens, trying to open up their eyes mind and soul to see hope at salvations door , fore, they have not been forsaken...the minds a terrible thing to waste on societies triviality