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Nestor David Armas
Jan 2013
Torture & Bliss...
My throat is tied in a knot
While my mind unravels thought after thought,
My stomach is churning
While the tears flow my eyes burning,
What is this turbulence?
As to ponder I commence,
You're a part of me now;
But am I a part of you and how?
You lose sleep as I do;
But is it for the same reasons too?
Many a question I wish to ask
But to confront you I am not up to the task,
Because I wish not to care;
And yet question after question I do dare,
Entertain as to it's revelation;
It's part in our equation,
But what am I? if you are my epiphany
Enigma deep shrouded in mystery,
I was strong and independent
But of you I've become dependent,
But for a twinkle of your eyes
Is this beauty your disguise?
Are you my heart's thief? clever;
I was not to uncover your endeavor,
And now in feelings and mind I suffer
My work no longer my agony's buffer,
This is a vivid hell on earth;
As every moment away from you gives birth;
To another and another inquisitive doubt,
And this my judgement does clout;
As I fight not to give in,
But I want to dive; jump; propel myself into this sin,
Or is it not? this indulgence of you;
It cannot be nothing else, such pleasure I do
Crave; deep within every one of my synapses,
Time stands still just as it lapses;
After every encounter with you,
And all I can ask; is this voodoo?
How did it come to this?
You are my torture and my bliss...
© okpoet
Written by
Nestor David Armas
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