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Jan 2013
When I was naive, I thought I loved you.
I gave you everything I had to offer.
But immediately after, my illusions were shattered.
You explained the difference between making love and *******.
And when I asked what it was we were doing,
Your harsh laugh was answer enough.
But worse were the words that hissed through your beautiful lips.
"Don't be stupid. This is hardly even considered *******."
And with that, you slipped on your jeans and walked away,
Leaving me stunned and broken hearted.

Months slipped by since that day,
But I'm not that girl yoy left anymore.
You see, after you left me, I was broken.
I found comfort in the arms of others,
But to me, we were just *******.
I was just learning.

Then, just last night, you called me up again.
Asked how I had been.
If I still had a heart, I might have stuttered at the sound of your gorgeous voice.
But instead, I kept my cool and kept you talking.
You wanted to meet up, how shocking.

One thing lead to another, as it always did,
But this time things were different.
You were panting in satisfaction and you turned to me and said,
"Wow, that was fantastic."
I turned my cool eyes on to you, and responded with a hiss.
"Don't be stupid. That was hardly even considered *******."
I slipped on my dress and left the room,
And the first tears in years slid down my face.
For I knew how it felt, sitting alone in that room,
Stunned and broken hearted.
Another random attempt at writing. Suggestions are appreciated, I'm not very good at this.
Silently Screaming
Written by
Silently Screaming
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