No matter this papa who may as well live in Zaire he reckons "star student" no longer relevant to me, now grown independent upon your twenty second
orbit since...yesteryear (happy birthday orbit around the sun fast approaching twenty second year December twenty second, this glum papa doth wonder, where he wishes owning magical power
to reach back across space/ time continuum and volunteer to make amends for situations, he contributed to make unbear rubble analogous to aftermath of unleashing paternal thermonuclear
inflicting harm upon your psychological state as if pierced with a razor sharp spear unnecessarily provoking rage, dischord, grief, et cetera, now fallout rear
ring up inside my psyche with **** quare lee invisibly pummeling, thus I indirectly persevere, albeit indirectly thawing chill between us without,
I can no longer overbear the torturous repercussions as if choking by unseen near medium small at large lightly shocking me with about a bajillion microampere
charge emanating from tragicomic mask courtesy Classic Greek playwrights, whose ghosts lear sporting harris tweed knitwear haunting me in close proximity - jeer ring at my parental facebook,
and sundry faux pas unwittingly causing unpleasant interfere rinse knowing (i.e. intuitively sensing) telepathically here ring cackling laughter, and imagining a cruel glare.