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Dec 2018
Fluttering fingers flicking
      the wisps,
Scattered particles helplessly
      staring like zombie.
Denizen of dispersal !
Scattering without gathering ?
Littering innocent sleeping shore
      with specks, refuse and
Preventing the marine beings
      from feasting on unsolicited
While reigning over the aquatics

Fishes glorying beneath your
Celebrating in their splendid
Cherishing your inordinate
      habitat encroachment,
Relishing the cool bustling
Stuttering intermittently over
      natural abuse while your
      fingers beating the tombola
      drum of indifference.

Legion of blue blunting busied
      parading over the army of
      the waterbeds,
Savouring the delights of your

But why scattering the wisp
     on the river bank?
Devouring the hearts of the clean
      axis of the river bank.

Fresh air oozing from the gallery
      of neighbouring vegetation
      aromatized your bustling
      breeze, refreshing hearts,
Clear away your stink.
Evacuate your nuisance.
Written by
Ralph Akintan
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