Hope is eternal, well I guess it would have to be and so in the face of Nothing Else it always flashes a **** smile (says, "Put on your shoes! Let's go!") Hope dressed up in your very own cast off clothes and you go with him (of course you do! because Hope looks so familiar, almost like you!) Hope, my darling, is in love with you and only you and only you can see it in his eyes (forget about all of that noise, the banging around of Regret inside) Hope is a carpenter knocking on wood eyes and fists clenched shut COUNT TO TEN you knew you just knew you would and when faith gives way to superstition you know it must IT MUST be good and everything else should be just as it should Hope is eternal and you've got it by the wings your army of termites your minions pining and pinning all hope on such fleeting stings (knocking wood from the inside out, of all crazy things) Hope, y'all, you've got it in the bag, hope is just yonder down the road a piece Hope, y'all, you carry it like a bundle in the end of a stick, hobo of your heart and other abandoned things Hope is more like a stone or a can you kick in front of you, in front of you all the way home (or maybe past it, you don't know these things)