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Dec 2018
There is no doubt that kinks exist
from the vanilla to the extreme
sadomasochism asks for pain
while the fetish defines bliss

outside these avenues attraction lays
in the realm of pure appeal
not confused with the sport
playfulness between adults

oddities more than strange
no related to loving souls
relationships stand beyond
these attempts to spice it up

be they hetro or something more
pairings are based on romance
one to the other becomes their norm
declaring more than kink explores

put aside the prejudice
disregard when hate equates
depravities of the mind’s eye
with amour when spirits court

no matter how the bits may fit
acknowledgment may extend
to hearts entwined as one
asking all to honor love.

Β© 2018. Sean Green. All Rights Reserved. 20181216.
The poem β€œHonor Love” was inspired by a Tumblr meme that stated that LGBTQ relationships were not a type of kink.  Declaring these valid relationships as possible aberrations of behavior does them an incredible disfavor as people strive to find somebody to love.
Written by
poetryaccident  54/M/Pickens SC
(54/M/Pickens SC)   
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