Yesterday, my nightmare was staring me in the face. And I had no place to flee. It had me cornered. It had me shook and shocked. My legs shook, knees knocked. I'd back up, it'd move forward. My thoughts were all out of order. I didn't know how to react to my deepest fear. Nor did I have any time to prepare. But that's usually how it plays out isn't it. And the more confused and frightened I appeared It seemed to play off my ignorance. It taunted me and still haunts me. Because I know it'll come back someday. Maybe soon. Maybe not. And that's the worst part. Like a thief in the night it snatches me up. Covers my mouth. Pain in my gut. And just like that I'm stuck. I have no control over this force, this pressure, this beast. Its too painful to look it in the face And see the reflection of me.