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Jan 2013
It felt good and it felt right
You holding on to me so tight
You were scared to death, I know
On the outside it did not show
You were strong and you were brave
And like children we would misbehave
Our time together meant so much
That when you left I had no crutch
Sitting here all alone
Makes me wish that you were home
Being gone 4 months from me
Gave me the option to be free
Since you have not been home
It gave me time to be on my own
To learn and do as I please
Made me aware of life's miseries
But what you did to me when you left
Was harsh and cruel, not heartfelt.
Jessica Leigh Lewis
Written by
Jessica Leigh Lewis  North Carolina
(North Carolina)   
   ---, Md HUDA and PoetWhoKnowIt
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