why does love always feel like a battlefield. a battlefield. a battlefield. a friend of a brother once said, biting his tongue and chewing his cheek.
hand glued to his mandible head tilted like a sinking ship taking in its final breath, huuuuaaaaa and before it sinks in a miraculous cacophony;; it exhales, aaaaaaaahh.
why do we stop, when we can start, i asked Sartre, who may have responded in a tongue i can’t taste.
i’m amazed. love and swords, such imagery! and repetition like cupids’ arrows fired from each side of such silly, important warfare.
i’m glad- in this battlefield. battlefield battlefield, i’m not fighting a battle, or settling a skirmish; i’ve sat down with the blonde haired soldiers (though my comrades shake brown locks), and we’ve begun to play soccer and drink in the name of conflict.