On a Sunday it was dark; girls infatuated with attention Consuming on facebook uploads, and hashtags that have no explanation for your comprehension I stand alone in a world, a total suspension From the societies of fake likes and relationships and self pent up tension I had faith in you, but your beliefs are not worthy of my mention For the things you lived for, the mundane delusions that causes your detention For you are detained in your self- created stress and your feverous passion that is derived by convention You are stuck in a world not yours, and once I tried to liberate you from it you couldn't stop clinging and clench'n To your false priorities and you call this a life… you call yourself living when your hollow ego and pride has out shadowed your repention And sin became a right, and good became a privilege, all this in the world craving attention…
Souls like me are buried, embodied by peace we have with our existing forms Free thinkers; attached to our beliefs and religious rituals yet deviated from your filthy sociological norms And values we have created and you chose to forget And destinies we work to change, yet your destinies are set For sheep follow each other into circles of indecorous confusion And every one of you follows what he thinks is fun, or cool or the trendy illusion We have reached a time when we follow people, not thoughts, material not ideas and we demand respect How could I respect clones? For their values become lower than that of an insect... I trusted you were different, but I grew beyond that thought and realized you're the same You just yearn for the spotlight, live on opinions, and follow your low life leaders into a path of misleading fame…