Poems that have been written by me very few people enjoy
poems that i read aloud seem to do well
the inflection of voice the mannerisms body movement ****** expression
a cold page never could breathe life into a poem with the same lust beauty hatred pain or love that the spoken word is able to create simply by appearing with a piece of writing
using the entire body you are born with inspires thousands of perceptions based on a few ******* words
watch the eyes the feet the hands brows sweat
Hear the voice how the love and hate rise and fall in a single word
dream of your past lie to your future
read aloud or ******* with that written word clutched inside your palms all the cold page needed to find warmth has always been YOU Still it needs more. ALL OF YOU
does it take more thanΒ Β tears and microphones scare me the eyeballs the breath
my mirror scares me more i think my dog needs to ****