Where’s the research on this physiological attack that sends me back Proof our brain changes in these moments but no one can wrap a ******* shred of their head around it yet it’s the very thing that gives them intellect to begin with I’m sick of it Don’t lower me to not meet your unattainable standards you haven’t met them either Work on you This work on me though Suicide’s taboo I’m suicidal too but pretend I was quiet and gentle as snow hitting rooftops when I spoke that White face and blue lips you had to see in the reflection of the frost glow window just to believe there was a part of me all along that I told you about causes me to shout Life isn’t fair don’t want to see breath in cold air means I’m still alive driving toward hope that keeps speeding too far past for me to catch up and I stop the chase because I can’t afford the ticket Can’t stand living in this body with a brain that doesn’t work it keeps turning on and off And if this is all a dream I wish I never fell asleep