Lets build a friendship with reality knitted in every word as a theme we spew With a solemn look, I feel my emotions betrothed to yours. ~~~ Oh enchantress of my innocent soul, free this heart you engraved with a dew of smiles and soften my worries. ~~~ Heal these demons of my holy thought, for I vow not to unleash infidelity to the promise land that welcomes me. ~~~ You hostess of the glorious journey of a thousand miles, the cure to my illness, the Amazon that lights my world, the reservoir of my happiness ~~~ Give me the name or I sing your beauty to Gods blue heavens, dash me a smile or I name the rainbows after you ~~~ Hail you the freedom I await, my fate beacons the esteem service of your silky rose alike lips to lick through the petals affirmation of my destiny. ~~~ I can't but be restless until your awakening. Before then, I LOVE YOU.