Coriander sprinklings and subtle tastes as we lean together and giggle as children exchanging nibbles and pecks of love at the gentle lullings of our sleeping boats
And the sun would shine on our dark heads burning our hairs and lighting the fires echoing our laughter while we filled the earth with eternal love that would span the sky
And all the distances would pull us apart taking our lives this way and that winding through the darkest routes enshrining our happiness to the past
But we would - as always - remember well clinging to the smells of the world keeping our hearts closed to disruptions but letting our confidence sway––––
And yet the world would bring us back to hear our giggles and childish banters taking delight at the slightest triggers and painting lives in watercolour
So moments pass and times repeat clear in the eye of our observers
But crimson shades and all spring scents watch our bonded rains and shines
And for every moment I reflect you shine brighter than luminance.