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Nov 2018
Cold air whistles acquainting
me with Arctic Blast, when
roundly forcing acquiescing
into half foursquare corner, activating
most recent spate of

     ideal linkedin warm weather
ah...,my favorite sweet
     spot for read ding
partially secluded from
     gossip mongers addicting

fellow nosy residents,
     who rarely brave elements
of style lush nature addressing
natural environment, sans leaving
comfort of their hermetically

     sealed apartment adhering
to zero risk exposure
     even during pitch
perfect weather adjusting
cessation to renouncing

"cabin fever" administering
most potent panacea
for heavenly solar fling
nay, most every tenant
     here at Highland Manor

prefers vicariously admiring
terrestrial flora and
fauna, even when nature
bursts forth with adoring
"The Rite of Spring" adorning

     the snapchat buzz zee
     flight of the Bumble Bee
the still frozen, yet slowly aerating
rib rock solid state terra
firmae slowly alleviating

thick slabs of iced over terrain
indiscriminately allocating
patch of landscape
legion limitless almsgiving
then as instagram dusk

preempts afternoon alternating
cathartic, fantastic,
and iambic anesthetizing
magic, opportunistic, and therapeutic
reverie blitzed, viz banshee screaming

mother nature's wound
dead spirit expressing
agony dost vent wrath
heartfelt lament vacillates, manifests,
     and explodes analogous

qua red bull who readily
     didst get smitten angling
to expunge anguishing
cumulative racking torment
     hell bent on annihilating

primate responsible species
akin to a silent spring announcing
slow but inexorable annulling
guardian (nee abuser) role usurped
     by **** sapiens,

     who need answer
     for relentlessly antagonizing
     writhing, lowing, and bristling
Planet Earth!
Written by
matthew scott harris  64/M/schwenksville, penna
(64/M/schwenksville, penna)   
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