My brain is on overdrive metathinking, Knowing that these thoughts don’t matter. Still, let me share how that harmless phrase marked my being, As you’ve pulled me back from a place of feeling better.
Now I see them again — the imperfections, How something will always be missing from me. How cold I will feel in seasons and situations, Those weird quirks I wish would leave and let me be.
You have stolen hours of my bedtime, In an age when rest is rare and richer when real. Freed a dark thought from my mind, That wanders around striking mountains of sad deals.
I was no longer fighting for anyone, Yet you managed to remind me that I have lost. I really thought that the worst me has long been gone, Yet on the mirror I see myself as clear and as cold as a ghost.
Now his face appears in the darkness again, As I drift back to the shadows of night. Those words started another one of my heaviest rains, One that takes time to see even just a flicker of light.