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Clyde Yulassetar Wiggin
Jan 2013
Eyes at the Time
My eyes aren’t real
I’ve never had two real eyes
My eyes aren’t ready for this
But I’ve been made to realize
My eyes aren’t honest
I’ve never seen through real lies
My lies aren’t real
I need more sleep for my eyes
They’ll see clearer when they’re closed
If I could look into to my eyes
And see what I know is inside I know
Don’t ask me when I look what I’ll find
It depends on the eyes I have on at the time
My eyes aren’t ideal
I’ve never had two ideal eyes
My eyes don’t see distantly
But I’ve seen what it takes to idealize
My eyes don’t see actuality
But I’ve seen through the ideal lies
My lies aren’t ideal
I need more sleep for my eyes
They’ll see clearer when they’re closed
If I could look into to my eyes
And see what I know is inside I know
Don’t ask me when I look what I’ll find
It depends on the eyes I have on at the time
Your eyes are real
I can see your two real eyes
My eyes aren’t ready for this
What I’ve been forced to realize is
My eyes haven’t been true
I’ve never seen through real lies
My lies aren’t real
You need more sleep for your eyes
You’ll see clearer when they’re closed
If I could look out through your eyes
And see what I know is outside I know
Don’t ask me when I look what I’ll find
It depends on the eyes I have on at the time
Your eyes are ideal
It’s no problem for two ideal eyes
Your eyes don’t see into me
But you’ve seen that I like to idealize
My eyes won’t see functionality
But I’ve lived on all the ideal lies
My lies aren’t ideal
You need more sleep for your eyes
You’ll see clearer when they’re closed
If you could look out through my eyes
And see what you know is inside you know
Don’t ask me when you look what you’ll find
It will depend on the eyes you have on at the time
Written by
Clyde Yulassetar Wiggin
Memphis, TN
(Memphis, TN)
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