Every where you look their are signs on the billboards to grandmas evening shawl Dazzling encounter with a super Nerf ball, on every occasion we meet in passing counter staffing or to face the nightmare fall into between each other; Sign to the left of me sings to the right
enormous display of a tremendous body display wrapped in the music display each encounter safe in between, such as the J. Geils band..,
there are posters salute the oven crushed tomatoes in the cellar with butter suffer in silence, come across tax men why should we complain yet again the mere notion of the past brings us to a near future whispers in the window stand out very credible roasted as if a turkey basin in the oven the water lies beneath a brook under a bridge their are frogs under the embankment among the marsh there's a sloppy mess twisted chords of ivory line the trussle i stand alone frightened but yet alive intact this is the dream I had among fallen elf drop soup bowls filled with the residue of cheddar in its taste as we listen close to the river we stand still &deliver Poindexter the black cat comes out in heat to neck reflections in the pale woman with a shawl bristled in her hair and in the lining of her teeth