As this year reaches its end there's a couple things I wanna say.
This year for me was full of change. New school. New friends. New city. New everything. Of course this was hard, but I had my reward: met some great friends, went to places I had only dreamed of, and I even met her. Yes, the one.
I can think of a couple things that let me down, but for the things I got it's not worth a tear. Too many good things for too little bad things. Seems like a fair trade to me.
I still miss my old friends though. My family too. I miss the laughs, the anecdotes and all the memories we share. I promise I'll soon be with you all once again, just wait for me.
And then comes her. She's the one who made this the best year for me so far. I wasn't looking for her, but there she was, ready to come into my life, and make it so much better. Thank you.
So all in all this year has been kickass. I might have complained a lot throughout it, but in the end I was just being a *****. I loved this year, and I can only hope the next one is as good as this one was. Ohh, and wish every single one of you to have an amazing year too.
From the heart, I love you all. Thanks, and happy new year.
The first of a series of new year's eve poems (one per year of course). I wish every single one of you to have an amazing 2013 :)