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Nov 2018
Stars in the sky,
Waving me goodbye,
Telling me to go home,
Cause enough you have sacrificed,
Your life's down there,
Waiting for you son,
Your love is here,
Go and grab it soon son,
Look at her smiling face,
All the worries are running away,
Look at her hair,
Feel all her love,
Embrace all those moments,
The moments that have come to us,
I won't be sad again,
Cause I know you can't see me in pain,
Just go and hold her hand,
And look what you have lost my friend,
All the pain all the worry all the stress all the agony are gone,
Listen to her words,
They don't shout they whisper ,
I LOVE YOU they say,
Loud and clear,
Look at her smile,
So beautiful she is making stars so shy,
Look at her smile,
I'm so glad that I know the reason behind this smile.
Written by
Pratap  20/M/India
   Jayantee Khare
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