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Nov 2018
Would you build your fire in the woodshed,
So that it would burn with a glorious intensity,
And soon it would be gone?

Or would you kindle it slowly with careful spark,
And distance between its warmth and its fuel,
So it burns for eternity?

We are both the fuel,
Spaced afar from the fire,
That would not kindle without joined hearts.

We both bring our fuel,
In measured amounts,
To the fire still burning brightly.

We cannot remain,
But soon must leave,
So the fire continues to burn.

But always we carry,
The warmth of the fire,
To be shared by the travelers we meet.

Someday I will settle,
By the fire at your side,
And together we both will find rest.
The world tries to shape how we should love.  In the end, it only stands the test of time if we let our hearts do that.  God directs our hearts.
Written by
Cecil  69/M/The Meadows
(69/M/The Meadows)   
   Fawn and Jamadhi Verse
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