Why is it that human kind are at the top of the line.... Yet we cannot be kind to ourselves let alone a fellow human being?!?? Why we may have thumbs, And walk upright, Have the biggest brain, Enough to have the option to make choice, Yet we've lost our voice, We are the worst animals on planet Earth.... But do you know WHY??? Because with our "big brains" we chose to hold another down, Instead of bringing them a step up, We chose to hurt, lie and ****** just out of greed, Just for kicks, Yet an animal does only solely to survive, Maintain their race, Yet we destroy each other with such haste, convinced this is the only way to come up, We are the human animal, Because nothing of our way of being shows were anything more that just another animal, The only difference is we walk, we speak, we "think" or so we should..... Instead we step on toes, Cause more woe, Let greed run our ****** up minds, But we are all just human-animals, Blessed with a posable thumb!