We know this, and yet we can be mistaken for them, on dark nights when legal actions ****.
We are not scarecrows, because Scarecrows are used to scare crows and we are used to scare someone - ourselves - into staying silent.
We are Not scarecrows, but someone passing by would see both in an equal light, not quite human but trying.
We are not scarecrows, because at least we can Vote where scarecrows only stand but Scarecrows are not told they Can't serve their country or use the correct locker room.
We are not scarecrows because scarecrows can't hear Slurs and whispers behind them like caws of a bird who only needs to survive.
We are not scarecrows but maybe we are, Reduced to sacks of lifelessness that may as well be hay because it's a lot harder to find a story with me in it then a story with scarecrows.