we broke the wishbone you got the wish i got a splinter
that's how it goes
fare faced grinning fool oh, how easy it'd be for me to be jealous of you, brother the boy who couldn't be stopped the man that the wind whispers to
you are magic you are busy lights on an empty stretch of I80 the swell of drum beats over silence the giggle-fit tear stains on the universe's cheek
baby boy wide eyed man-cub
the world tried to steal you once all those years ago and you you defiant son-of-a-gun refused to bow to even death the laugh lines at the end of a blank heart rate
thanks for never leaving me behind
you take nothing seriously except dreams and funerals and the call of the moon
"no matter where you are in life no matter how noisy it gets or how badly it hurts you have to throw on the brakes now and then just slow down and turn your eyes to the sky and howl like a ravid coyote howl at the moon"
"remind existence that you won't go quietly"
when i was six dad told me that he and mom had made us out of stardust and magic and beer caps and fossils that they made us out of treasure
you're my treasure and the temple of my dreams you're my map my back pack my adventure hat and the voice in my head that laughs and calls me a *******
we are not human beings on a spiritual endeavor but spiritual beings bound to a human medium
how very thankful i am to be tethered to you
for my little brother, kyle. a year and one half younger than i, and still my hero. cheers, you little ****. (: i love you, whole biiiiig bunches.