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Nov 2018
i abhor the Anglophone take on
i abhor it like a passion
with one move just shy of
being convicted of the law
to ready me to the crucifixion...
we're not biologically evolved...
existentialism doesn't
exist in the English language...
it exists in the French and
the German, and the subverted
Russian tongues...
but in English?
trivia... facts are trivia...
facts are reduced less into
Encyclopedia entries...
and more into
trivia shows...
depressing *******...
and when it comes back
to the Anglophones?
facts... facts facts facts...
constantly these facts...
which aren't exactly
biological facts,
but, rather, zoological facts...
none of these biological
facts are advantages...
not one!
   the bear hibernates
and never experiences
the winter... we don't...
the panda only eats bamboo...
while retaining
its body mass...
the koala and the eucalyptus...
we don't...
we need to be omnivores...
we're not biologically evolved...
we're biologically devolved...
so much for consciousness,
introspection, history,
amnesia, too much of
history, and the subsequent
to be biologically evolved
is to be free from
biological defects...
       to... "evolve" is
to be free from the probes
into biology to begin with...
to be "trans-"...
           i am not free from
biology, no more than i am
free from the sole glorification
of Darwinism, being reduced
to a zoology...
i just abhor how Darwinism has
become reduced to borrowing
from other animals of
the vanguard stratum...
whether from Jorad Petterson
with the lobsters...
or the classical approach
         of borrowing from
                    English as a language...
with a supposed attache of
history is dead to me...
too much was borrowed
from a behavioral pattern
that is overtly instinctive,
and subsequently surd-prone,
and subsequently anti-verbum...

this is not the Darwinism i could
ever begin to envision...
too little was said...
too much was made obvious,
and then evenly was
the exacted performed...

this is actually painful to write...
you can't congest the currency
of the present,
moving forward
with a history according to history per se,
with a history according to Darwin,
with a history according to the big bang
with a history, the counter-history
according to journalism...

sometimes it's painful to write...
it's painful... mostly...
and only when... stating the obviously
odious, necessarily needed remarks.
Mateuš Conrad
Written by
Mateuš Conrad  36/M/Essex (England)
(36/M/Essex (England))   
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