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Andrew Owens
Dec 2012
Forget he's human
just like you
because he loves a man
just like you don't want him to
Forget that she's human
just like you
she likes women
instead of you
Does it break you heart?
when someone falls
out of your expectations
there must be something wrong
He may not have grown up
wanting to be the man
your faith wanted him to become
so where goes the love
Men don't cry
just **** it up
and move on with life
She may not have grown up
being very lady like
so you've had enough
of her relating to the guys
Women aren't strong
you need a man
to hold you up in life
Where are all the people
Oh never mind him
he's just mentally impaired
you can make fun of him
he's too stupid to care
But really
he hurts like the rest of us
needing the acceptance
Where are all the people
with the unconditional love
Why can't these robots see
life is more beautiful
with color
Love should be free
so should our choices
how hard is it to imagine
will it ever be?
Hide your feelings
you might be a woman inside
even though you are a man
you should hate yourself
because everyone else will
What will the children become
when the future is already laid out for them
Who wants to grow up
and have no imagination?
So why be silent
when we can spread love
like a virus
spreads an epidemic
Wake up and stop hating
hate is for those with fear
Forget what you don't know
and accept it for what it is
it's going to be there anyway
Thank you all for reading, I am grateful for the positive feedback:) It's quite humbling.
Written by
Andrew Owens
Sandpoint Idaho
(Sandpoint Idaho)
Lydia Chin
Rebel Heart
Zoe Irvine
4 others
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