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Dec 2012
Imaginary things can be pleasant or destructive
an idea is powerful, ever living
then why so much power given to the wrong side
a piece of paper, a chunk of metal
borders are imaginary yet we give them form
to what purpose?
apparently freedom is imaginary too
living within a facade, sheep held within imaginary fences
eating imaginary grasses tainted with poison
keep living in the matrix
I chose to take the pill that hurts
the one where imaginary things are not real
and I am no longer a sheep
keep your money, borders and lies
Dedicated to the corrupt power hungry ******* who feed lies to the people.

What if money didn't exist.....;=PLgUN9E-emUOxLXk74SKNdlxWVZIwX4mdR
Anon C
Written by
Anon C  31/F/Virginia
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