.well, if this boyscout contra girl-scout debate it going to rage on... whatever the problem, and whatever the conclusion... shouldn't just the boyscout brigade start baking cookies in the shape of a phallus and *******? with white sprinkles on the tip, and brown sprinkles on the base?
what has become of that famous
three worded statement? you know it...
gott ist tot...
isn't it glaring, right in your
you really can't have gender
neutrality in certain languages...
because most of the nouns impose
gender discrimination...
for example, in ******...
the sun (słońce) is feminine...
while the moon (księżyc) is masculine...
you can't achieve gender
neutrality... because the words
already discriminate for themselves...
the English language is gender
unlike any other European
no wonder then...
it's befitting that the death of metaphysics
would culminate in English
with what was to replace it...
it's like the English language
has created this trans-physical
"realism" of (a) reality that...
so... you closed the asylums,
let the melancholics and the schizophrenics
and in come the new crazies...
this will balance out at some point,
benzene ring orientation of
groups... CH3 and what not...
first came the meta-physics...
that died with gott ist tot..
and from the ashes arose
the mind-****** of trans-physics...
the Peter Pan physics...
the asylum was abandoned,
the crazies took to the streets,
there were trans-rights,
there were trans-activists,
a whole plethora of trans-this
and trans-that...
and... well... the discrimination
and ridicule-inducing rhetoric
concerning the classically mad...
the melancholic, the hypochondriacs,
the psychotics and the schizophrenics...
eggshells tip-toe:
bend over backwards for the new crazies...
hell... appease the new crazies
and shove the classical mad into the gutter...
because you know the new crazies
do not have violent tendencies,
or for that matter, masochism incumbent...
me? i such think they're *******
pathetic... their delusions are...
without metaphysical groundwork,
they are imposing
a fake, more than obvious skew of
if i see an Adam's apple
or no geisha hands on a trans-"woman"?
i can't double-think,
contradict what my senses
immediately recognize...
so... all the metal heads with their
long hair... i'm supposed to think
they were men?
metaphysics apparently died at the end
of the 19th century...
but what replaced?
it's not pretty... trans-physics is
the boogie on the side of bogus...
anti- i can see this is suspicious...
well... at least with metaphysics
meta- (the after)
there was no exact certainty,
the kind of daydreaming of heaven or
after the physics...
there is no after-the-physics...
the orbits prevail...
and when a sun dies,
a black hole remains...
there is no after...
and... esp. with the discover of antimatter...
death is but a massive yawn...
but trans-physics?
this period, this transition period?
this is not beyond physics...
this is not Wonderland, this is not Peter Pan...
this is not going to, ******* ride on a whim...
a delusion...
last time i heard physics
is about rigidity, and less about
what chemistry deals with...
the mandible aspect of physics,
the reaction of at least two things interacting...
physics can, in part, deduce the
noumenon interaction,
for example the electron is in no way
affected by the proton or the neutron
with regards to its ontological schematic...
1 0 -1
- nonetheless, this is a transition period,
after this trans-physics period of...
i'd say 100 years before the omni- consensus
of society balances out...
there will be a time
where ortho-physics will take over...
straight physic, upright physics...
and then?
if you think that this trans-physical period
was weird...
the natural antonym
of metaphysics will enter...
where nothing will be normal, normal
about para-physics...
life and death will sit side by side...
life past, life beyond, life by death...
death past, death beyond, death by life;
we have a long way to go.