well... back in the day, in the days of Louis XIV... they had their own unique pronoun oddities, like... the royal one... and the royal we...
so... given those oddities... then the kings used to speak to their subjects accordingly: we are very much displeased, or... one should think so...
so... we're dealing with pauper miniatures of kings and queens?! seriously?
so now the "serf" imposes the same rigidity of language, that was inherent for a king or a queen?
queen not queer or somethin'?
we've had this "debate" already... but a king i can understand, yet people of the same lesser stock as i... no...
not going to happen... at least, if you're going to play the royal spin on using pronoun oddities, please... don't **** at it...
they... they? where are they? they are far away or are they in a matryoshka doll? define they... you sound like primitive Heidegger with his da-sein... the elaborated Heidegger apprentice would add to that: da-ist-sein: there's being... there... where? i can't see them anywhere... but the royal we makes perfect sense... it's like... you quasi-schizophrenic or something? like... there are multiples yous in youuuuuur concept of a coherent expression?
this pronoun ******* has been borrowed from the kings and queens of a few centuries ago...
but am i going to entertain this ******* enforcement from someone who doesn't don a crown? don't think so.
poncey little ******* who think they're kings, and possibly queer ****-pants queens... no going to happen.